The celebration of the commitment of two human beings in love is a truly glorious occasion and at Rituals For Life we work with the couple to design a ceremony that reflects them and those whom they have invited to take part.
The preparation of the couple as they step into married life is a major part of our offering and we work also with the Maid of Honour, Best Man/Woman and any others who are given supporting roles at the ceremony.
We guide the couple to consider what they seek from and offer to the union and in the writing of any vows they wish to make.
Other participants are encouraged and guided to think about their own role in supporting the couple at the ceremony and throughout their lives together.
The ceremony itself can encompass as many or as few aspects as desired including such beautiful rituals as ribbon tying or a chakra silk ribbon ceremony, a fire ceremony, Despacho Ceremony, Pagan and Shamanic Rituals and much more - we don’t believe in limits and structure!
We can also recommend catering services and music.
As the ceremonies draw inspiration from and are connected to nature it is wonderful to have them outside but they can easily be taken indoors.
Kimm is happy to travel anywhere in the UK and overseas and is also licensed to conduct formal ceremonies in the State of California which negates the need for a registry office service.
Fees vary but start from £1000.