Coming Of Age
In many places across the world, coming of age practices are still deemed to be an important occasion to mark the step from childhood to adulthood and in many parts of the world involve traditional and ancient rituals to prepare the young adult for independence.
These rituals can involve a whole village or community with elders and teachers passing on important wisdom and guidance for the new adult.
It is also an important time for setting intentions and guiding a young person to consider the sort of qualities they would like to cultivate as an adult. We often ask young people what they would like to be when they grow up but we rarely ask them what kind of person they want to be.
The Rituals For Life team works with the young person and those closest to them to explore these questions more deeply. We also involve their mentors, parents, closest friends and those they are inspired by inviting them to consider how they will support the new adult in their journey.
The ceremony will be designed to reflect the personality of the young person and while there is a contemplative aspect, the event there is also plenty of room for fun and celebration.